Thursday, January 18, 2007

It's fun to wear things on your head! Here Kenton is modeling the plastic bin that we store his blocks in. He loves to dump all the blocks on the floor, scatter them around, then stick the box on his head and run around until laughing like a little maniac until he trips and falls on one of the blocks in the floor. Of course, we laughed the first time he put the box on his head, so now he thinks he's hilarious every time he does it.

Monday, January 15, 2007

I didn't have to work today because of the MLK holiday, so we took advantage of the great weather and took Kenton to the park. It was packed with families, so I guess lots of folks had the same idea. He enjoyed the slide and the swings, but his favorite thing was the little pieces of pea gravel covering the playground. I think he would have sat and played with it for hours if we'd let him.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

I think we're finally getting back to normal around here after the holidays. We had a great Christmas, but travelling about 1,500 miles and being gone 8 days left us all pretty tired. Kenton discovered a new place to play tonight--in the kitchen cabinets! Edward was cleaning up the kitchen after supper and thought Kenton was just sitting in the floor playing with the pots and pans, until he heard him say "bye-bye" and turned around to see him closing the cabinet door as he crawled inside! I, of course, grabbed the camera and snapped a few pictures.