Sunday, March 30, 2008

We took some time away from yard work this afternoon to check out a big sale at the Carter's outlet that one of my coworkers let me know about yesterday. It was worth the trip. We got about 25 outfits for the kids for around $80! There was a lot better selection in the smaller sizes, so most of it was for Emery. We won't need to shop for her again for a year. She had a great time helping me take everything off the hangers.

It was the weekend of much yard work. Edward shopped, dug, planted, mulched, and watered a lot. The kids and I gave him moral support by standing around in the yard and watching. Kenton even dug in the dirt some.

The neighbors also worked on their yard this weekend and Kenton was really fascinated by their sprinkler. He stood and watched it for a good ten minutes. We may have to buy one just for the entertainment value.

Kenton got a Diego table and chairs this weekend. He didn't need it, but it had been marked down to $9 and he loves Diego and his mother is a sucker for a bargain, even if it's for something we don't need and have no space for. This is why Edward usually does the shopping.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

It was pizza night at our house. That's homemade crust and homemade sauce--aren't you impressed? We love the bread machine and the slow-cooker! Kenton loves to help in the kitchen. I let him help a little with spreading the sauce, but I did most of the work since I didn't want stains on his clothes or mine. Adding the cheese and other toppings is his specialty, and his takes his work very seriously. He does quite a bit of taste-testing, too. Usually he eats more as we're cooking than he does at the table.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Look! It's the Em-ster Bunny!

Happy Easter! The Easter Bunny came to our house last night and left goodies for our kiddos. In the picture, Kenton is opening an egg and checking out the treats inside. He got granola! And some of the eggs had yogurt-covered raisins, too! We figures we'd take advantage of the fact that he doesn't know the Easter bunny is supposed to bring chocolate and jellybeans and marshmallow bunnies. And he really does love granola and yogurt-covered raisins. They're treats to him, because we don't eat them very often. He also got a Play-Doh set that has already been a huge hit, and a Candy Land gave that we haven't tried out yet but will before the day's over, I'm sure.

Em got a new rattle, some socks, and a couple of sleepers from the big bunny. She was mostly interested in chewing on the basket, though.

Friday, March 21, 2008

My camera has the capability to shoot short videos, so I finally decided to give it a try this evening. Here you have 21 seconds of poor quality video (and even worse shooting) of Emery showing off for the camera. Her new trick is blowing spit bubbles, so I was trying to get her doing that but she wasn't being terribly cooperative. We'll have to try this video thing out a little more and see if we can get any better at it.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

It was hat day here at our house. Nana & Papaw brought Emery a cute little dress with a matching hat and she wore it for the first time today. Since she was getting fussed over for wearing a hat, Kenton decided he needed one too. So he got out the engineer's hat uncle Ken gave him and slapped it on his head. He thought he looked pretty cool in it, and I'm inclined to agree.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Since eating in the house required safety goggles (see the post below), Kenton and I decided to have a picnic lunch on the front porch yesterday.

Since the house has been a construction zone for the last few days, Kenton took the necessary safety precautions while eating breakfast on Sunday.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Nana and Papaw are visiting this weekend and helping us get some much-needed work done on our kitchen. Kenton, of course, wants to be in the middle of the action helping Papaw out. He got out his box of toy tools this evening and trotted into the kitchen and announced he was ready to help. Edward gave him a clean paintbrush and set him to work "painting" the cabinets, but that didn't last too long.

Emery spending some quality time on Nana's lap

Thursday, March 06, 2008

They look just a little bit alike, don't they? And they both look an awful lot like their daddy, too. Although I'm still holding out some hope that Emery might resemble least a little. The boo-boo on Kenton's chin came from going down the slide headfirst at the playground a couple of days ago. After he flew off the end of the slide and scooted his chin across the gravel, he decided to go with the traditional sitting-on-your-bottom approach to sliding for the rest of the day.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Isn't she cute?

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Despite our sniffles, we decided to take advantage of the glorious springy weather today and go to a park in Tallahassee and then have supper out. Kenton was fussier than usual, but did enjoy the trip. He loves throwing things in the water and would have stood there and thrown gravel all day if we'd let him. Unfortunately for him, we don't share his fascination with throwing things so we insisted that he move on and check out the rest of the walking trail.

Kenton would walk for a couple of minutes, then start whining that he wanted to be carried. So we'd put him in the stroller and he'd be okay with that for about 20 seconds before he started whining to get out and walk again. He's obviously whining in this shot.

Em just cruised around the park in the stroller, taking in the sights and enjoying the day. Her brother could take a few lessons from her.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Kenton had a play date with his buddy Parker earlier in the week. They're usually a couple of wild monkeys when they get together, and this was no exception. They played with "gunk", played trains, and just ran wild and had a great time. When I came home for lunch, Kenton was worn out from his big morning.

Em can sit up for a few seconds by herself, but topples over pretty quickly. She's really liking the bumbo seat these days, though. She also got her first tooth this week. It broke through on Thursday morning, and she's working on several more. Between the teething and her cold, she's been doing some serious drooling lately.

Emery loves to chew on her toes, so tonight Kenton thought he'd offer his to her. She was amused. They've both have colds, so they have snotty noses in this picture but I think they're awfully cute anyway. The last two weeks have been a little rough--we've all been sick this week and last week Lucy had to have emergency surgery and spent four days at the doggie hospital. She's still recuperating but it starting to act much more like herself. We weren't sure she was going to make it for a while. Hopefully we'll all kick these colds in a couple of days and get back to normal around here!