Monday, June 30, 2008

Kenton was loves water fountains, and this outdoor one was particularly fascinating.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Every night before he goes to bed, Kenton has started asking, "What are we going to do tomorrow?" He likes knowing what's coming up next, and he really likes going to bed knowing that there's something fun waiting for him when he gets up in the morning. Last night we promised him we'd check out a new park today, and we decided on Caesar's Creek State Park. Ohio's state parks don't charge any admission or parking fees, which we think is just wonderful! We found a nice stroller-friendly paved path to walk on and enjoyed the absolutely beautiful day. We only explored a tiny bit of the park--it's huge!--so we'll need to make a return trip before long.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

On Friday we went to the Boonshoft Museum in Dayton and Kenton had a grand time. We never made it to the second floor, and spent most of our time in the water play area. He loved splashing and playing and floating the little boats down the stream.
Emy enjoyed riding the giant eggplant.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

We finally found the battery charger for the camera, so we're taking pictures again and the blog is back in business! Kenton and Emery spent the weekend with Nana & Papaw in Kentucky and had a great time. Kenton is already asking when he can go back again. It might be a while before Nana & Papaw are ready to try this again, however.

Edward and I spent the weekend doing wild and crazy things like sleeping until 9:30 and grocery shopping and vacuuming. Do we know how to party or what?

Saturday, June 14, 2008

The river was big and muddy today from all the rains we've had recently but the fountain was still lovely. Kenton was quite impressed with it and he really loved that there was a pedestrian bridge so he could actually walk across the river.
Edward and the kids took a break from their busy schedule of exploring the parks of Greene County today, and we traveled a couple miles down the road to Dayton to check out some of their parks. We'd been to RiverScape a couple of weeks ago for the Memorial Day festival, but we explored the park more today. The fountain here is designed for children to play in, and there were others there who were doing just that, but Kenton was a little hesitant. He liked getting close to it but had no desire to jump in and get wet. If I'd had dry clothes to change into, I would have jumped right in!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Another nature walk at another park today...because it makes the kids happy

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Emy, looking super cool in her sun hat
Kenton took an ink pen and scribbled all over his legs today. When Edward asked him why, he said, "I drawed a picture of Nana and Papaw!" Don't you feel loved, Nana and Papaw?

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

They look so much alike!
After taking a few days off from their busy schedule of park exploration, Kenton, Edward and Emery headed out again today. They went to a wetlands park in Beavercreek this afternoon and had a fabulous time. The weather was just about perfect and there was a long boardwalk which was a great place to push the stroller. I think it's pretty cool how Kenton's shorts match the sky in this pic.
This is how Edward found Kenton today when he went to wake him up from his nap. We're not sure why he decided to sleep behind the door in the floor. You may notice that his legs are covered in little bruises. We're also not sure how that happened. He plays fairly rough and tends to run into things and fall down a lot, but I can't imagine what he's done to end up like this.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

We visited the Cincinnati Zoo today with our friend David and his son Noah. Despite the hot weather, we all had a good time. Kenton didn't get as excited about the animals as I thought he might but he did seem impressed by the polar bears.
Em was so sleepy by the time we left, she could barely hold her eyes open.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Em hasn't tried the pool out yet. While brother splashes and plays, she sits on a blanket in the yard and looks cute. She's pretty good at looking cute.
We bought a little inflatible pool for the kids to enjoy in the backyard. It's finally gotten warm here, so Kenton has done a little splashing around the last couple of days. He refuses to go shirtless or actually sit in the pool, though.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

My little reader!

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Popsicles--good to the last drop!

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Kenton absolutely loved feeding the goats and, at one point, he even refused to leave them to go get some ice cream. Edward eventually talked him into it, though.
We spent a great morning at Young's Daiy Farm just up the road in Yellow Springs. After having a great breakfast at the restaurant there, Kenton and Emery took the tractor for a spin around the farm. Thenwe looked at the cows, fed the goats, and had some ice cream. We spent about three hours there and Kenton was not ready to go. We promised to make a return trip soon.