Saturday, August 23, 2008

Xenia hosted a little railroad festival today and we spent a couple of hours downtown enjoying it and having lunch. The festival had lots of model railroad displays and a couple of free rides. Kenton didn't want to ride this one alone, so I squished on with him. There were other adults riding with their children, and the guy running it assured me that I wasn't too big to ride, even though I look ridiculously large sitting on there. We all had a good time and will definitely plan to attend railfest again next year.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Em enjoyed Kenton's birthday, too.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

It's not a very good picture--too much light coming in from the window, I guess. But I thought his face was so cute when he blew out the candle. Notice the chunk missing from the right side of the candle. That's where Kenton picked it up and tried to take a bite of it, despite Edward telling him repeatedly that it wasn't edible. I guess there are some things he just needs to figure out for himself.

Friday, August 15, 2008

My son, who hardly ever gets sick, has been to the doctor twice in the last two weeks, and his regular check-up is scheduled for next week. Edward is getting very familiar with the new pediatrician's office. Last week he went in because he fell and cut his toe somehow while running around the house. He whined and complained, but we didn't think much of it. The next day he was still crying and whining about it so we started to get concerned. The doctor said the cut was a little infected and she was worried that he might have a fracture in one of the bones in the top of his foot. So he had to go get x-rays. Thankfully nothing was broken--just getting the x-rays was enough of an adventure!

This week's visit was for the sty you see on his eye in the picture. It showed up last Friday, so we read all we could find on stys and learned that they usually go away on their own in about a week. Kenton's was getting bigger and not showing any signs of going away, so off to the doctor he went yesterday morning. He got a very expensive antiobiotic and the sty seems to be a little smaller today. Hopefully after next week's checkup we can stay away from the doctor for a while!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Kenton got a Diego video and a Chutes & Ladders game with his birthday money from Nana and Papaw.
Emy loves her new doll. Thanks Aunt Peggy !
Kenton got a cool remote-controlled Thomas from Aunt Peggy
My boy loves the great outdoors

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Nana, Papaw, and aunt Bobbie came up on Friday and we celebrated the kiddos' birthdays. We let Kenton choose what we should do for the day and he opted to go to Young's Dairy, which is his very favorite place to visit. The weather was unbelievably beautiful and we had a great time!
Aunt Bobbie and Uncle John give great presents!
Aunt Bobbie gets picture of our little cowgirl in action
Papaw and Kenton feed the goats
Nana gives Em some advice on driving the tractor
Kenton and Papaw check out Emy's new tank top
Opening presents with Aunt Bobbie and Nana

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Just a-swingin'

Monday, August 04, 2008

My cutie-pies in the bathtub tonight. Emy just loves getting to play in the tub with brother!

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Happy first birthday, baby girl!
Emery one year ago

Friday, August 01, 2008

Our blue-eyed girl loves to eat! She's just about given up the bottle. Most days she only has one first thing in the morning and right before bed, but I don't think it's going to be hard to take those away. She'd rather eat "real food" than take the bottle any day.