Updates on Kenton, Emery & Kallen for our family and friends
Friday, March 27, 2009
We went back to the Boonshoft Museum today and once again had a great time. Kenton really enjoyed magnifying things at this exhibit. When he put objects under the microscope, they were projected onto a large screen on the wall. After checking out all of the insects and other objects they had out, he decided to take off his shoe and examine it.
I had to get a picture of Emery in the skunk costume, because she's such a little stinker :-)
Sunday, March 22, 2009
We trekked to Aullwood Park in Dayton today and it was beautiful! We are loving the spring weather and being able to get out and explore again.
Miss Emery thinks she's so big and should get to walk everywhere her brother does. She fell and put a pretty good bump on her head today, though, so she had to get back in the stroller after that.
You can take the kids out of the back yard, but they're still going to play with sticks!
I love the way Kenton's looking back at his daddy in this shot
Throwing rocks in the water is truly the most amazing, wonderful, fun-filled thing Kenton has ever done. He would have stayed for hours, I think.
Em fell asleep before we got out of the park
Saturday, March 21, 2009
We visited the US Air Force Museum today, and it's a very cool place. It's also free which is a big plus when you have small children who sometimes get bored with things after five minutes. here isn't much there that's hands-on, but they have two planes where the kids could get in the cockpit and pretend to fly. Kenton really loved that. Emy wasn't as impressed. They also had a small display of rockets that Kenton was very interested in. He talks a lot about astronauts lately and sometimes he and Emy blast off into space from her exersaucer. The museum is HUGE and we only really explored about two of the six galleries, so we'll definitely be going back sometime.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday brought more lovely spring weather, so we headed out for a little hike after I got home from work. Both the kiddos had a great time, but I couldn't get any pictures of Emy--she doesn't stay in one place very long these days!
I didn't get this uploaded yesterday, but Kenton and Emy would like to wish you a belated Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Kenton and I made no-bake cookies today. They were quite tasty!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Granny's here and Princess Emy is happy about it.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
We got one last day of warm spring weather before the cold comes back tonight, so Edward and the kids headed out to the park this afternoon. Em finally got a haircut yesterday (her first one, but daddy forgot to take the camera!), and it's so nice to see her without her bangs down in her eyes!
Kenton is taking swimming classes at the Y and he loves being in the pool. He really likes jumping in to the water and making a big splash! Maybe next week we can get some pictures of that.
Sunday, March 01, 2009
We went to visit Nana & Papaw this weekend, and also got to see Aunt Christy, Uncle Ken & cousin Colton. (Ken, Kenton, Colton--Yes, we do get confused with all the similar-sounding names!) Here's Kenton helping Papaw give baby Colton his bottle.
Colton tried out the walker while Kenton & Em played with the "big kid" toys in Nana & Papaw's basement.
It's really hard to get three small children to all look at the camera at once. Getting their grandparents to look is just as difficult! :) Since having children, I have a lot more respect for portrait photographers!