Updates on Kenton, Emery & Kallen for our family and friends
Sunday, August 30, 2009
I walked by Kenton's room tonight while Edward was giving him a bath and saw this in the floor. How cute is that? Those are Emy's striped feet at the top of the picture. She wanted to pick up the dino and play with it, but I made her wait until I snapped a picture!
Xenia held its annual Railfest last Saturday, and although I had to work Edward and the kids went and had a great time. I love the little guy in the last picture checking Kenton out as he works on his craft!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Papaw and the kiddos when we were visiting last week. How cute is this picture? :)
Happy birthday to my big boy! Hard to believe he's four. I went to work at noon today, so we had the morning to celebrate. We went out for pancakes (chocolate chip for the b-day boy!), then came home and opened presents. Kenton got a dinosaur book, a "doctor's bag" set, and a marble racetrack. The marbles have been the big hit of the day. He and Emy were playing with them when I left, and he was still playing several hours later. When I get home at 9:00 tonight, he and I have a date for popcorn. :-)