Kenton found the dog's water dish today. He was having a real good time splashing in it until we realized what he was doing and put a stop to it--or at least tried to. We told him no, cleaned up the mess, dried him off and sat him on the other side of the kitchen. And he immediately started back toward the water dish. We repeated this four or five times before we gave up and Edward decided to take Kenton and Lucy for a walk. I guess this is the next phase of our life--saying no and trying to figure out how to keep him out of stuff.
Kenton's also starting to display the "I can do it myself" toddler attitude. He may not be able to say the words, but we get the message loud and clear. In the last couple of days, he doesn't want us to spoon-feed him anything; he screams and either tries to grab the spoon and control it himself, or just smacks it away. However, anything he can pick up and feed to himself is great. I guess it's about time for us to let him start learning to use the spoon himself, too, but boy is that going to be a mess!
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