Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Kenton has recently started putting on my sandals or Edward's flip-flops and clomping around the house in them. Usually he manages to get a matched pair, but not tonight.
I came home from work about an hour early today, because I was achy all over and just too exhausted to think. Which, I guess, is how everyone feels when they're 8 1/2 months pregnant. Edward and Kenton were out running errands when I got here, and I laid down to take a nap. Ferd (the cat) was already in the bed, up under the covers, and I laid on top of the covers beside him. When I woke up and Kenton came in the room, Ferd was still snoozing undercover. Edward asked Kenton who he thought was under there, and he thought for a moment and then said, "Baby sister!" We got a big laugh out of that.

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