Our first night and day home from the hospital with Emery have been wonderful. We could not ask for a sweeter, more laid-back baby. Kenton has warmed up to her some and was so good today, too. He loved helping get bottles and diapers for her and wanted to "pet baby sister's hair" several different times today. We had to remind him to be gentle a few times, but overall he was great. We gave Emery a bath tonight, and she hated it. She's all red and blotchy in the picture from fussing while we bathed her, but I still thought she looked pretty cute bundled up in her towel.
Papaw headed back to Kentucky this morning. After having him around for two weeks, we weren't sure how Kenton would deal with this, but he took it pretty well. We tried to explain that Papaw had to go back to his house but I guess that's pretty hard to understand when you're not quite two. We sure appreciated having Papaw around to help out with things! Hopefully we'll be able to take a trip to Kentucky to visit everyone before my maternity leave is up.
Felicia sent me the good news. Congratulations! I'm glad all is well.
Congrad. Hope the pets are taking it well too.
Maybe on the trip back you can swing through Augusta and have lunch with your old friends. I'm sure Emery would like to naw down on a good old BK Burger!
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