Updates on Kenton, Emery & Kallen for our family and friends
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Kenton and Emy were playing together this evening and he came to me and announced that they needed capes so they could be super. Emy responded with an enthusiastic "yeah, yeah, yeah" so I got towels and safety pins and made capes. I suggested they go outside and be super before I realized it was raining. However, it was just drizzling and it wasn't cold and they were both very excited about getting to play in the rain, so I let them go out anyway. They were so cute! They had a ball splashing in puddles, riding the big wheel and the little car, and just running around getting wet and muddy. When they came in we stripped off their wet, muddy, grass-covered clothes at the back door and Kenton was also thrilled to get to run around in his undies for a few minutes while we got things ready for their bath.
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