Saturday, September 30, 2006

If you look closely at the picture, you can see that Kenton's "eye teeth" have come in recently. Unfortunately, his teeth look like they're going to be crooked like mine. We should start saving now for the orthodontist. He's also working on cutting the first one of his molars, which has left him feeling a little under the weather for the past couple of days. Last night he woke up about midnight and didn't go back to sleep until after 2:30. Luckily I don't have to be at work until 10:30 on Saturdays, so we all slept until 9:00 this morning. Edward and Kenton went to Birdsong, a nature preserve, while I was at work today. Judging from the picture, it looks like Kenton enjoyed the trip.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Look out world, Kenton is walking! Several times today he took five or six steps without any help, and then tonight he went twice that far across the living room! We're all very excited. In a couple of days, he'll probably be going wherever he wants.

He's running around in his shirt and diaper in this picture because his pants legs were too long and they were causing problems with the walking. I think he has his daddy's short legs--I'll have to work on my hemming skills! You have to admit he looked pretty good wearing the cool camouflage pants, even if they did have to be rolled up a little. Thanks to uncle Ken & Christy for such a stylin' birthday present!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Our boy loves to eat. He was enjoying some peanut butter and crackers in this picture. Peanut butter is one of his favorite foods, but it ends up smeared all over his face, in his hair, and everywhere else. After he ate tonight, his hair was a crusty mess. Luckily it wasn't long until bath time!

Monday, September 25, 2006

We put up our Halloween tree tonight. We never thought we'd be the kind of people to have a tree decorated for any season other than Christmas, but when we were out walking this evening Kenton was really impressed with the Halloween decorations in a yard we passed. This house decorates in a big way for pretty much every holiday. They had big inflatible ghosts and pumpkins, and trees with lights and all kinds of stuff. He pointed and talked and got really excited looking at it all, and it was so cute. So, I decided we needed to hurry home, get out one of our small Christmas trees, and run to Big Lots to see if they had any Halloween lights. They did. Kenton was ready for bed by the time I set the tree up, so he wasn't too into exploring, but I expect he'll check it out good tomorrow when he gets up.

On Saturday, we went to Tallahassee and toured the Southern Living & Progressive Farmer Idea House. It was quite nice, but not as extravagant as most model homes like that. Here's a shot of Kenton enjoying the screened back porch. The porch area was probably as big as some of the apartments we lived in when we were first married!

Friday, September 22, 2006

Kenton isn't quite walking yet, but he still gets into plenty these days. We've had to put cabinet locks on the entertainment center and in the kitchen. He could open the first kind we got, even though I couldn't. Then we switched to the kind you see in the picture. They keep him out of things, but I can't get them open 90% of the time, either. Apparently they're not only baby-proof, but mommy-proof as well. Thankfully Edward can undo them, so we're not completely locked out of our cabinets!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Kenton looks so "big boy" in his new overalls!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Kenton has refused to wear his sunglasses since we bought them earlier this summer. He rips them off, fusses, whines, and just generally raises a stink whenever we try to put them on him. And then tonight--after dark, in the house--he decided they were cool. He put them on and hammed and showed off crazy. We'll see if he'll actually wear them out in the sun now.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Here's a picture of Kenton enjoying one of his last bottles. He has been completely bottle-free for three days now and doesn't really seem to miss it. We thought it would be harder than this to wean him off the bottle. He drinks out of a sippy cup just fine and loves to eat whatever we're having. Edward washed packed all the bottles away in storage this morning, along with all the other things he's outgrown--toys, carseat, swing, stroller, and tons of clothes. I just wasn't prepared for how much stuff a baby goes through in the first year!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

We had a nice trip to Panama City Beach over the Labor Day weekend. The weather was great and the beach was beautiful. Kenton was still a little timid about the water, but boy did he love the sand. He would have played in it all day if we'd let him. He wasn't even too bad about trying to put it in his mouth. It was a good trip, but we're all tired and glad to be back in our own house.