Wednesday, January 30, 2008

All bundled up to take a walk. Could she be any cuter?

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Bathing beauty!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

We're back! Did you miss us? (I know you did, Mom!) There's no good reason why we haven't posted for the last couple of weeks, just got lazy I guess. A few days ago Kenton, Edward and Emery went to the park and Kenton decided to climb this brick pillar. They've been to this park several times and Kenton has never felt the need to climb on it, but after watching his friend Parker climb up, he wanted to give it a shot. Unfortunately he seems to have inherited his parents' complete lack of athletic ability. He struggled a bit but did finally managed to get to the top and was quite proud of himself.

After watching during Emery's last doctor's visit a couple weeks ago, Kenton started picking up this plastic piece (it's supposed to hold the sunshade on the stroller but doesn't work so it's usually just lying in the floor somewhere) and using it to "take Emmy's temperature". He holds it like a stethoscope, but calls it taking a temperature. He also checks his own temp, as well as Lucy's when she'll sit still for it. So when he checks someone's temp he holds the plastic piece against them, acts like he's listening for a moment and then makes some announcement like, " It's two o'clock!" or "It's 94 degrees!", which is also what he yells every time we turn on the weather channel.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Kenton has a pile of stuffed animals who stay in his bed, a couple more he drags around during the day and then takes to bed with him, and then he usually wants to take some other toys or things to bed with him. For a while it was the trains, but lately it's been books. He likes the Thomas catalog that came with his train table, and last night he wanted to take this giant board book about using the potty. So we let him take all this stuff into his bed and when Edward went in to check on him, this is how he found him sleeping. If you look closely at his pillow, you can see the edge of the tin lantern he's been taking to bed with him, too. We don't know why, but if all the stuff helps him sleep better, we're all for it.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Em got some snazzy new pink sneakers today. When we put them on her, Kenton looked her over and said, "Now Emmy can walk!"

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Miss Emery tried eating some baby food tonight for the first time. She sampled bananas, and it's hard to say if she liked it or not. She spit most of the food out and grabbed the spoon and stuffed it in her mouth, but she tries to grab everything that comes near her and stuff in her mouth these days. Kenton thought the whole experience was very funny, though. He laughed the whole time we were feeding her.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Temps here are back up in the 70s, so Edward has taken the kids out to a park the last couple of days. One of the parks in town recently added a paved walking track that has a couple of bridges that cross over a little lake. Kenton loves bridges, so this is pretty exciting stuff for him. Today he stopped and stuck his hand in an ant hill, but fortunately dad got to him and brushed the ants off before any harm was done.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

I was looking back through our Christmas pictures this evening, and there were so many cute ones. Kenton was just overwhelmed by all his presents. He was incredibly excited when he saw the train set and table, and we had to persuade him to leave it and open the other presents. Then as he opened each new thing he would run it over to the train table and show it to the trains. In this picture he's showing them his bucket of sidewalk chalk.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Emery catching some zzzz's after our shopping expedition this afternoon. Thanks to Aunt Sandy for the cute outfit!

Friday, January 04, 2008

Baby, it's cold outside! But it's supposed to be getting much warmer over the weekend, with temps back up in the 60s. Luckily, Kenton got a couple of new sweatshirts and a new coat for Christmas, so he was well-prepared for the cold snap.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

It's cold here in south Georgia today! Our low tonight is going to get down to 18 degrees, which is practically unheard of around here. It was a good night to stay in, eat some yummy soup, and take some pictures of our super-cute kiddos.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Emery has such wild hair. It's thin and short on the sides, but longer on top and it usually wants to stand straight up. Unless we really work at getting it to lay down, she looks like she has a mohawk. I think it's pretty cute--most people couldn't pull the mohawk off as well as she does.

Happy New Year!