Wednesday, December 31, 2008

One of the shots from Kenton & Emery's Christmas photo shoot at Target. We had the pictures made very late--one of the last days you could get them back before Christmas. The photographer looked to be about 15 years old, but was very patient and very good with the kids. They're a difficult pair to photograph, though. Next year we'll have pictures made much earlier and hopefully it will be a much less stressful experience!

Monday, December 29, 2008

We met up with Aunt Bobbie, Uncle John, and Cousin Melissa tonight to check out the lights at Clifton Mill. They were beautiful! We don't have many snapshots of the four of us together, so I love this one even though my hair is blowing across my face.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Check out my rock star baby!
He looks so grown up here, all stretched out on the couch and talking on the phone. He was talking to Aunt Christy, telling her all the things he got for Christmas.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

It's Christmas Eve! Our beautiful children spent a fun-filled, action-packed week visiting family, but were happy to get back home yesterday. We went to the Chambers family get-together at Aunt Bobbie & Uncle John's house this afternoon, then came home and tried to wind down. I think both the kids are finally asleep now (at 11 pm). I love this picture of Kenton & Emy in their new jammies talking in front of the Christmas tree. He was so excited tonight--I hope he doesn't get us up before daylight!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Kenton's preschool class had their little Christmas program this morning. They wore their pajamas to school for the occasion, so here's Kenton wearing his striped footie pj's (or his stripey one-piece, as he calls it), snowboots, coat, and mittens. I thought it was really a good look for him.
Kenton's letter to Santa, posted on the wall at his school. Apparently we need to make pancakes for Santa on Christmas eve.
I don't know what Kenton was checking out here, but he found it far more interesting than the songs he was supposed to be singing. His buddy Weston appears to be in the middle of an air guitar solo. I kinda felt sorry for the little girl between the two of them who was really trying pay attention and to do what she was supposed to.
When Kenton grabbed the zipper on his jammies, Edward and I got a little worried. Fortunately he didn't yank it down and expose himself during the program.
The kiddos checking out the closets in the house we're buying. Kenton wore his pjs and snowboots to lunch at McDonald's and then on to the house for the inspection. Having lived mostly in old houses with little or no closet space, our children find the closets in this house endless fascinating. They're going to be really disappointed when we move in and actually put stuff in them. Thankfully that green color is only in the closets, not on any of the walls.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Kenton and Emery helped dad wrap some presents tonight. We decided to use plain brown paper and let the kids decorate the packages with stickers and stamps. They were very enthusiastic and really seemed to enjoy decorating themselves with the stickers, possibly more than they liked decorating the package. Emery's hair looks oh-so-lovely in these pictures because she decided to smash potatoes on her head at supper. She thought it was hilarious. Her parents did not.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

All bundled up and standing in line to see Santa at the park
Kenton has seemed a little disturbed by the idea of Santa this year, especially the notion of him coming into our house while we sleep, so we haven't made a big deal out of it. However he was very excited to go see him tonight. He wasn't scared at all to sit on his lap. He laughed and talked to Santa and told him he wants "an ABC computer and a boat that goes in the ocean." That's what he says every time you ask him what he wants. We're not sure when he decided he needs a boat, but he's quite clear that it should be a big boat that goes in the ocean, not a little one for the bathtub. Santa knows the LeapFrog computer would be a good idea, but I don't know if he's going to be able to fit a big boat like that down our chimney.
I don't know if I'll ever get a good picture of the two of them together. No matter how cute they're being, it all falls apart when I point the camera at them.
Em wasn't too impressed with Santa, but she really loved the plastic reindeer she got from Mrs. Claus. She held onto it all night, even when we went to get something to eat.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Kenton made a candy necklace yesterday, with a little help from his daddy. He was quite proud of himself.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Kenton and Emery's new cousin, Colton who was born on December 2nd. We went down to meet him this weekend, but like lots of new babies he has his days and nights mixed up, so we only got to see him sleeping. He's a cutie, though!

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Although we're thrilled Kenton is getting so good at writing his letters, we wish he'd practice somewhere other than the walls. Edward will be running out to buy some more Magic Erasers tomorrow. Those things are wonderful.

Monday, December 01, 2008

Kenton decks the halls...
And Emy wrecks the halls. She may look all cute and innocent in this picture, but trust us...she's out to rip everything she can reach off the tree.
This is what Kenton does when asked to smile for the camera. Emery is laughing here, not crying.