Saturday, January 31, 2009

We got to work on our new house today! Goal #1 is to tear the carpet out of the bathrooms and replace it with vinyl. The kids and I fixed a lunch of pbj's and goldfish crackers while Edward got started working. We took over the Diego table and chairs for the kids to use, and Emy was thrilled with being able to get up and run around during the meal, since she's usually confined to a high chair. She took full advantage of this and did laps around the table while we ate.
Edward was so speedy pulling up the old carpet, I didn't get a before picture. Here's the other bathroom, which has the exact same carpet, so you get the idea.
The de-carpeted bathroom. I don't think the sub-floor is going to need to be replaced, but we'll have to see how much damage we do pulling up the tack strips before we decide for sure. Don't you love the color of the toilet? And the faux-marble walls? The ceiling is covered in that same stuff.
Fixing up a house means lots of trips to Lowe's. The kids love the race car shopping carts!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

We closed on our house this morning! Whoo-hoo! We took along Kenton's DVD player and set him up in the corner of the room watching Max & Ruby, and that kept him occupied quite well. The whole closing only took about 30 minutes--far and away the fastest one we've ever had. We celebrated by going to Tim Horton's for a post-breakfast treat of donuts. Kenton feels that frosted, sprinkle-topped donuts are the appropriate way to celebrate any occasion, and I tend to agree with him.
Our snow-covered new home. The previous owner was super-nice and shoveled the driveway and the walk for us!
Kenton took ownership of the house by ripping off his socks and shoes and jumping barefoot on the carpet. The boy never wants to wear socks and shoes!
Em checked out the linen closet. We've never had a house with a linen closet, so I'm terribly excited about it, but I don't think she was too impressed.
This was the look on Kenton's face when I told him we'd be storing things in the closet once we move in--that they aren't just places for Emery and him to play.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

All bundled up and ready to head out!
Venturing out into the snow
Snow angels!
Edward swept the snow off the cars while Kenton laid on the ground and looked under them. We're not sure why.
Emery and I stayed inside and watched the boys having fun in the snow. We figured she wouldn't be able to walk at all in it, and she wasn't too upset as long as she could see what was going on.
Kenton's favorite thing to do in the snow was lay on his belly and dig with his hands. He tunneled across the front yard this way.
Even though sissy didn't get to go outside, Kenton still got to throw a snowball at her

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Kenton shares my love of popcorn, so he and I shared a bowl tonight while watching the beginning of the UK game. I was definitely more into the game than he was, but we both enjoyed the popcorn!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Kenton was being a helpful big brother at lunch today, feeding Emy some mashed potatoes. She loves the potatoes!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

We had homemade pizza tonight with spinach and goat cheese and, not suprisingly, our picky son refused to try it. Emery loved it and was eating it as fast as we could cut it up and give it to her. The picture above is her face when we told her it was all gone. She was not a happy camper.
However, she was got over it pretty quickly when we gave her some carrot-raisin bread for dessert.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

My beautiful boy mugging for the camera

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Kenton was a little disappointed that the snow didn't stick together very well for a snowman, but he had a lot of fun making snow angels.
Kenton tells his sister about the snow
Em tries making snow angels

Monday, January 12, 2009

Em looking all fancy in her cute little dress. I even got her to keep a bow in her hair for about ten minutes!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Monday, January 05, 2009

Kenton kicks back and relaxes after a long day

Sunday, January 04, 2009

We usually make pancakes on Saturday or Sunday mornings and Em loves them!

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Over the last couple of weeks Emery has transformed from our baby girl into a toddler. She didn't have much interest in walking until recently but now that she's decided it's time, she's off and running. Talking has been much the same--after saying nothing but "hi" and "bye-bye" for months, she's adding a couple of new words a day.

I can't decide what to do about her hair. I wanted to let the bangs grow out and cut it in a bob, but she pulls out barettes and bows as fast as we put them in, so she spends most of her time with hair hanging in her eyes. It's not really a good look.