Thursday, January 01, 2009

Over the last couple of weeks Emery has transformed from our baby girl into a toddler. She didn't have much interest in walking until recently but now that she's decided it's time, she's off and running. Talking has been much the same--after saying nothing but "hi" and "bye-bye" for months, she's adding a couple of new words a day.

I can't decide what to do about her hair. I wanted to let the bangs grow out and cut it in a bob, but she pulls out barettes and bows as fast as we put them in, so she spends most of her time with hair hanging in her eyes. It's not really a good look.

1 comment:

Foster mama K said...

The little rubber bands that are used for braiding hair work well, because they are hard for little ones to pull them out. You can buy them at sallys, for about .80 cent for 200 or so.,default,pd.html

Hope you all had a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!!