Sunday, October 21, 2007

This morning Kenton woke up around 6:30, and my wonderful husband got up with him and let me sleep. When he did sent Kenton in to wake me up a couple hours later, this is what I opened my eyes to. It's hard to wake up in a bad mood when you see this much cuteness first thing in the morning.

Kenton and Bear are still best buds, and Bear continues to go everywhere we do. He trekked to Tallahassee with us today for some lunch and shopping, then rode in the stroller with Kenton when they took Lucy out for a walk this evening. Bear also sits at the table during all meals, and stays safely cradled in Kenton's arms when we go anywhere in the car. It took a lot of talking for Edward to convince him that Bear did not have to have his own car seat, but I think he's accepted it now.

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