Sunday, October 28, 2007

Today was the big Thomas the train event. It was fun but exhausting. Kenton was sound asleep about ten minutes into the drive home. We rode the train with Nana & Papaw, then there were lots of fun activities to check out like a bouncy house and a hay bale maze. Nana and Papaw did a little shopping, too, since the organizers of the event provided so many convenient opportunities for spending money.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi guys, it's Peggy. Now that I have my own computer I can write comments on the kids web page. You know my great nephew Conner is also a big Thomas fan. Hope someone got Kenton a "I spent the day with Thomas" hat. Conner wear's his everywhere. If I have a picture from the beach with him wearing it, I'll email it to you. The kids are as cute as ever, am looking forward to seeing the Halloween pics. Love you guys.